
Over BR: Nap IT fatura R$ 12 mi e reforça estratégias para 2016

A oferta de serviços como Tuning de Rede, Network Assessment e Site Survey, corresponde a 60% do faturamento. Para 2016, empresa visa crescer cerca de 35% A Nap IT – Network Solutions, empresa brasileira especializada em consultoria de redes, anuncia faturamento acima do projetado para 2015, atingindo R$ 12 milhões. Dentre os fatores que contribuíram […]

Over BR: Nap IT bills $12 million and strengthens strategies for 2016

The services offer such as Network Tuning, Network Assessment and Site Survey, corresponds to 60% of the billing. By 2016, the company aims to grow about 35% Nap IT – Network Solutions, a Brazilian company specialized in network consulting, announces revenues above the projected for 2015, reaching R$12 million. Among the factors that contributed to […]

Cisco Express Video is new certification from Nap IT

Certification recognizes specialists for marketing and videoconferencing and telepresence solutions integration After winning Cisco Express Foundation and Express Security certifications, Nap IT has just achieved Cisco Express Video certification. The new addition adds to the company’s expertise in the videocolaboration industry. All certifications attest to Nap IT’s ability to design projects and market solutions as […]

Cisco Express Vídeo é nova certificação da Nap IT

Certificação reconhece especialistas para comercialização e integração de soluções de videoconferência e telepresença Após conquistar as certificações Cisco Express Foundation e Express Security, a Nap IT acaba de conquistar a certificação Cisco Express Vídeo. A nova conquista acrescenta à empresa a expertise no setor de videocolaboração. Todas as certificações atestam a capacidade da Nap IT em […]